
We help clients navigate the complex Florida Retirement System and act as their full-time asset manager. Our team of investment professionals can perform a number of services with the goal of safeguarding your nest egg, including portfolio rebalancing, investment diversification, reducing fees and much more.

Rollover your retirement funds to DROP and accumulate interest on investments for up to five additional years. Serve and Protect can offer guidance and help hit deadlines for this program well before it’s time to retire.

Discover the true potential of your retirement plan with a fiduciary financial planner that looks out for your best interests above all else. We also collaborate with a multi-CFA research team to identify investments that fit each client’s risk profile.

Roadmap to Retirement

Planning for your retirement is not only about saving money. Just as important as saving money is planning how you will actually retire. The transition from employment to retirement can be incredibly challenging with many unforeseen challenges and pitfalls.

Financial Wellness Education

Our team of advisors will custom design a program specifically for your department.